While we may provide delivery estimates, we can't provide guaranteed delivery dates. Once we receive payment for your order, we fulfill the order and pass it onto the carrier. This is also the moment where you, the customer legally become the owner of the products.Some Products are packaged and shipped separately. We cannot guarantee delivery dates and to the extent permitted by law accept no responsibility, apart from advising you of any known delay, for Products that are delivered after the estimated delivery date. Average time for delivery may be shown in the product description. It is only an average estimation, and some delivery can take longer, or alternatively be delivered much faster. All delivery estimates given at the time of placing and confirming order can be subject to change. In any case, we will do our best to contact you and advise you of all changes.
Once you've placed an order, you will no longer be able to edit the order details or cancel it. If you have an issue with the shipment of your order, contact us within 15 days of the delivery or estimated delivery date. In some cases, you may need to reach out to the shipping carrier directly.The risk of loss of, damage to and title for Products pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier. It shall be your responsibility to file any claim with a carrier for a lost shipment if carrier tracking indicates that the Product was delivered. In such case Faith Notes Live! LLC will not make any refunds and will not resend the Product.If carrier tracking indicates that a Product was lost in transit, you may make a written claim for replacement of the lost Product in compliance with Faith Notes Live! LLC Return Policy. For Products lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 15 days after the estimated delivery date. All such claims are subject to Faith Notes Live! LLC investigation and sole discretion. Faith Notes Live! LLC cannot guarantee delivery to P.O. boxes.
Third party delivery/shipping of all product.
Faith Notes Live! LLC
Last updated on November 1, 2023